JLA Guidebook
Communicating with appropriate researchers
It is important that PSPs communicate their results to researchers who may be interested in developing a proposal for one of the priority areas identified by the PSP and submitting it to a funder. They might be found individually by searching the internet for research centres, university departments or medical schools.
Alternatively researchers may be found through their networks. Particularly appropriate for research addressing treatment uncertainties are:
- The NIHR Clinical Research Networks which coordinate and support research in a wide range of diseases and clinical need. Clinical research networks provide researchers with a forum to discuss research. Each network has a clinical studies group to ensure it develops a balanced portfolio of high quality clinical research studies and has a route through which new studies can be developed. Each network also has a strategy for involving patients and the public.
- The Cochrane Collaboration, which aims to improve healthcare decision-making globally, through systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions. Where the need is not for a primary study, but for a systematic review, top 10 priorities may be of interest to the Cochrane Collaboration review groups. Patients and clinicians can work with experienced reviewers in preparing systematic reviews of the effects of treatment. They can also offer to help by commenting on reviews being prepared by other people.