Priority 12 from the Setting priorities for social care research in Wales project
UNCERTAINTY: How does the setting in different parts of Wales (e.g. the availability of transport and accommodation) affect how well older people can live independently? (Priority 12) | |
Overall ranking | 12 |
JLA question ID | 0102/12 |
Explanatory note | Older people/ carers questioned whether people can get to services if transport is limited in parts of Wales. Practitioners additionally asked about whether there is enough suitable housing in different parts of Wales to meet people’s needs for sheltered housing etc. |
Evidence |
CARTER Lauren, HILLCOAT-NALLETAMBY Sarah Housing for older people in Wales: an evidence review 2015 Public Policy Institute for Wales |
Health Research Classification System category | Generic health relevance |
Extra information provided by this project | |
Original uncertainty examples |
The way barriers such as transport, benefits, suitable accommodation can effect individuals and their social interaction and social contacts Different areas of wales have different challenges in this aspect and feel need to do comparisons in areas and how individuals independence can be maintained, improved and supported for as long as possible. ~ Avaliability of services across Wales including rural settings. How much does transport issues affect participation in the rural areas? ~ provide partially owned well designed well built 2 bedroom bungalows where carers can socialise with other like minded individuals local authorities let too many be sold off ~ Transport is an issue – a lot of people are unable to go out without transport. But transport is limited – so a big barrier. |
Submitted by | 2 x group members (a mix of older people and carers), 2 x practitioners |
Project information | |
Project unique ID | 0102 |
Project name | Setting priorities for social care research in Wales |
Total number of uncertainties identified by this project. | 35 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website) |
Date of priority setting workshop | 16 & 17 September 2020 |