Priority 10 from the Setting priorities for social care research in Wales project

UNCERTAINTY: How can home and community-based social care enable older people to socialise, reducing loneliness and isolation? (JLA PSP Priority 10)
Overall ranking 10
JLA question ID 0102/10
Explanatory note Older people and carers raised the issue of being isolated and not being able to socialise many times. They asked how social activity could be increased both at home and out in the community e.g. through groups or more coffee/tea mornings. Practitioners additionally asked how care homes and placements could be designed to increase social activity.

Noone C, McSharry J, Smalle M, Burns A, Dwan K, Devane D, Morrissey EC. Video calls for reducing social isolation and loneliness in older people: a rapid review. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2020, Issue 5. Art. No.: CD013632. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD013632. ~ Daykin N, et a: A systematic review of the wellbeing outcomes of music and singing in
adults...Volume 1: music and singing for wellbeing in healthy adults: What Works Centre for
Wellbeing; 2016. ~ McDaid D, Bauer A, Park AL: Making the case for investing in actions to prevent and/or tackle
loneliness: a systematic review. A briefing paper. London: London School of Economics. Personal
Social Services Research Unit; 2017. ~ Chipps J, Jarvis MA, Ramlall S: The effectiveness of eInterventions on reducing social isolation in
older persons: A systematic review of systematic reviews. J Telemed Telecare 2017:1357633X17733773. ~ Gardiner C, Laud P, Heaton T, Gott M. What is the prevalence of loneliness amongst older people living in residential and nursing care homes? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Age Ageing. 2020 Aug 24;49(5):748-757. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afaa049. PMID: 32396600. ~ Fakoya, O.A., McCorry, N.K. & Donnelly, M. Loneliness and social isolation interventions for older adults: a scoping review of reviews. BMC Public Health 20, 129 (2020). ~ Nicolas G. Quan, Matthew C. Lohman, Nicholas V. Resciniti & Daniela B. Friedman (2019) A systematic review of interventions for loneliness among older adults living in long-term care facilities, Aging & Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.1673311 ~ Lihui Pu, MSN, Wendy Moyle, PhD, Cindy Jones, PhD, Michael Todorovic, PhD, The Effectiveness of Social Robots for Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Studies, The Gerontologist, Volume 59, Issue 1, February 2019, Pages e37–e51, ~ Yu Song, Tischa J.M. van der Cammen, Electronic assistive technology for community-dwelling solo-living older adults: A systematic review, Maturitas, Volume 125, 2019, Pages 50-56, ~ Psychology of Sport and Exercise Volume 34, January 2018, Pages 128-137 Physical activity interventions for treatment of social isolation, loneliness or low social support in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Author links open overlay pane lAnastasiaShvedko Anna C.Whittaker Janice L.Thompson Carolyn A.Greig ~ Kharicha K, Manthorpe J, Iliffe S, Davies N, Walters K. Strategies employed by older people to manage loneliness: systematic review of qualitative studies and model development. Int Psychogeriatr. 2018 Dec;30(12):1767-1781. doi: 10.1017/S1041610218000339. Epub 2018 May 25. PMID: 29798736. ~ CHIPPS Jennifer, JARVIS Mary Ann, RAMIALL SuviraJournal article citation:Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 23(10), 2017, pp.817-827.

Health Research Classification System category Generic health relevance
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples There is a need to look at the way care homes and placements are designed to avoid isolation in isolation but also in terms of safeguarding welfare and future benefits. ~ Is it possible for more time to be put in for social calls or for time to take the elderly to parks,gardens centres and coffee mornings, I think this is essential to tackling loneliness too. ~ what support is most effective in reducing loneliness and isolation? ~ Support in the community ~ Help people stay connected with family and friends ~ I think my Mum misses conversations with people of her generation ~ Invest in community initiatives that bring us together in our neighbourhoods.
Submitted by 16 x older people, 16 x carers, 1 x group member (a mix of older people and carers), 9 x practitioners
PSP information
Project unique ID 0102
Project name Setting priorities for social care research in Wales
Total number of uncertainties identified by this project. 35 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 16 & 17 September 2020