Priority 18 from the Multiple Conditions in Later Life PSP

UNCERTAINTY: What is the impact of social isolation upon the mental and physical wellbeing of older people living with multiple conditions? (JLA PSP Priority 18)
Overall ranking 18
JLA question ID 0064/18
Explanatory note Social isolation was a major concern from all forms respondent. The submissions varied between those that addressed what the impact of social isolation was upon older people and those wishing to address how to most effectively address social isolation. For this reason, there are two different social isolation questions that were included in the Interim Priority Setting exercise.

None identified that applied directly to all conditions in the over 85s

Health Research Classification System category Generic Health Relevance
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples 'The impact of social interaction on health outcomes; I see from an inpatient perspective patients sitting in day rooms and lounges, day in, day out and I often wonder how things might be different for them if there was as much focus on social interaction, occupation and activities as there was on medicine. ' Health professional 'What's the impact of social isolation on declining health and how could early interventions prevent decline. Personal experience as a carer to an 81 year old mum with Alzheimer's (still fairly early stage, still living independently, but with carers 2 x day for last 9 months) has been a spiralling decline in physical and mental health which started around a year ago - possibly triggered initially by a loss in confidence related to Alzheimer's and forgetfulness. After a year of not going out and being physically active mum's mobility has significantly decreased - walks with a zimmer, quickly gets tired and breathless, constant lower back pain, had at least 8 falls getting out of bed in the last 6 months.... Reflecting on this a year on, I wonder if this decline in physical health would have happened anyway - or could it have been avoided by tackling the issues early on that stopped mum taking part in the activities she had always been involved in (or at least an alternatives) the year before the decline she was bowling 5 days a week and going out with friends twice a week. The lack of physical activity and social interaction has had a noticeable impact on her physical and mental health. ' Carer
Submitted by All forms of respondent - patients, carers, health and social care professionals
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0064
PSP name Multiple Conditions in Later Life
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 97 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 24 April 2018