Priority 27 from the Cavernoma PSP
UNCERTAINTY: What is the optimum radiation dose for use in stereotactic radiosurgery of brain or spine cavernomas? (JLA PSP Priority 27) | |
Overall ranking | 27 |
JLA question ID | 0035/27 |
Explanatory note | Not available for this PSP |
Evidence |
Genetic Alliance UK. Cavernoma Alliance UK. Guidelines for the management of cerebral cavernous malformations in adults. London; Cavernoma Alliance UK: 2014. |
Health Research Classification System category | Neurological |
Extra information provided by this PSP | |
Original uncertainty examples | Not available |
Comparison | Radiotherapy; Surgery |
Submitted by | From a research recommendation |
Outcomes to be measured | Change of symptoms; acceptability to patients or carers |
PSP information | |
PSP unique ID | 0035 |
PSP name | Cavernoma |
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. | 54 |
Date of priority setting workshop | 23 September 2015 |