Priority 2 from the Blood Transfusion and Blood Donation PSP
UNCERTAINTY: How can health professionals be discouraged from using blood inapproriately? (JLA PSP Priority 2) | |
Overall ranking | 2 |
JLA question ID | 0063/2 |
Explanatory note | Not available for this PSP |
Evidence | Hibbs SP, Nielsen ND, Brunskill S, Doree C, Yazer MH, Kaufman RM, et al. The impact of electronic decision support on transfusion practice: a systematic review. Transfusion Medicine Reviews. 2015;29(1):14-23. |
Health Research Classification System category | Generic Health Relevance |
Extra information provided by this PSP | |
Original uncertainty examples | What systems can we put in place to limit unnecessary use of blood and blood products on the ICU? ~ Red cell transfusion: dose, frequency, end points, outcome, home vs. hospital, efficacy in patients with chronic malignant haematologic diseases ~ Transfusion is a quick fix, but is it always the best fix? ~ Should blood and blood product transfusion in trauma be better applied in NHS hospitals? ~ Is current guidance actually being followed? ~ Who should decide that a patient should receive a blood transfusion? |
Submitted by | 14 blood donors ~ 8 relatives or carers of blood recipients ~ 25 health professionals ~ 2 unknown ~ 1 other |
PSP information | |
PSP unique ID | 0063 |
PSP name | Blood Transfusion and Blood Donation |
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. | 51 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website) |
Date of priority setting workshop | 28 February 2018 |