Priority 18 from the Blood Transfusion and Blood Donation PSP

UNCERTAINTY: What is the best administrative process for hospital blood transfusion to keep patients safe and minimise delay? (JLA PSP Priority 18)
Overall ranking 18
JLA question ID 0063/18
Explanatory note Not available for this PSP


1. NICE Guideline Recommendation: Electronic patient identification
12. Consider using a system that electronically identifies patients to improve the safety and efficiency of the blood transfusion process.

2. Sellen KM, Jovanovic A, Perrier L, Chignell M. Systematic review of electronic remote blood issue. Vox Sanguinis. 2015;109(-1):35-43.
3. Manning N, Heddle NM, Arnold D, Crowther MA, Siegal D. Interventions to reduce blood loss from laboratory testing in critically ill patients and impact on transfusion: a systematic review. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 2015;13((Suppl. 2)):974-5.
4. Manning M, Heddle N, Arnold D, Crowther MA, Siegal DM. Interventions to reduce blood loss from laboratory testing in critically ill patients and impact on transfusion: a systematic review. Blood. 2015.
5. Hibbs SP, Nielsen ND, Brunskill S, Doree C, Yazer MH, Kaufman RM, et al. The impact of electronic decision support on transfusion practice: a systematic review. Transfusion Medicine Reviews. 2015;29(1):14-23.
6. Coustasse A, Cunningham B, Deslich S, Willson E, Meadows P. Benefits and barriers of implementation and utilization of Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) systems in transfusion medicine. Perspectives in Health Information Management. 2015;12((Fall)):1d-d.

Health Research Classification System category Generic Health Relevance
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples How can modern technology e.g. apps for patients/healthcare professionals improve the transfusion process? ~ Why do you have to replicate all the info about blood transfusions on two separate forms that repeat the same information? ~ Can we rationalise the requesting process to reduce delays in urgent situations? ~ Is it possible to design a "reminder" for staff regarding component times for transfusion that is easy to access and carry?
Submitted by 8 blood recipients ~ 10 relatives or carers of blood recipients ~ 15 blood donors ~ 20 health professionals ~ 2 unknown
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0063
PSP name Blood Transfusion and Blood Donation
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP 51 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 28 February 2018