Priority 23 from the Anaesthesia (Canada) PSP
UNCERTAINTY: What anesthesiologist factors impact patient outcomes? (JLA PSP Priority 23) | |
Overall ranking | 23 |
JLA question ID | 0084/23 |
Explanatory note |
This question asks about aspects of the anesthesiologist that might impact patient outcomes. Respondents wanted to know about factors like the anesthesiologist's gender and their skills and experience with specific procedures and patient populations. |
Evidence |
No systematic reviews identified |
Health Research Classification System category | Generic health relevance |
Extra information provided by this PSP | |
Original uncertainty examples | Are there differences in patient outcomes based on anesthesiologist gender? ~ What should be the minimum exposure to the pediatric anesthetic clientele to allow for the maintenance of skills? |
Submitted by | Healthcare providers, caregivers, patients |
PSP information | |
PSP unique ID | 0084 |
PSP name | Anesthesia (Canada) |
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. | 49 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website) |
Date of priority setting workshop | 15 May 2019 |