Priority 12 from the Adult Social Work PSP

UNCERTAINTY: How can adult social workers work more effectively with people using services to involve them in decisions about their own care? (JLA PSP Priority 12)
Overall ranking 12
JLA question ID 0074/12
Explanatory note Not available for this PSP

This could be researched in several areas such as Advance Care Planning where there is a very recent systematic review. CW Wang (2018) Social workers' involvement in advance care planning: a systematic review, BMC Palliative Care.

Stein Gary L. , Cagle John G. , and Christ Grace H. (2017) Social Work Involvement in Advance Care Planning: Findings from a Large Survey of Social Workers in Hospice and Palliative Care Settings, Journal of Palliative Medicine Vol. 20, No. 3 ,Published Online:1 Mar 2017

Health Research Classification System category Generic Health Relevance
Extra information provided by this PSP
Original uncertainty examples How well do social workers involved adults with Mental health problems in safeguarding processes? ~ Do care plans in mental health enable service users to be involved in their decisions? ~ Do social workers place two much emphasis on the wishes of the family, when service users lack full capacity? Are service user wish's maximised? ~ Service users experience of involvement in planning their care and planning risk management?
Submitted by Individual survey submissions categorised by Carer, Service User, Other, Group Member, Educator, Manager, Other, Frontline Practitioner, Student, Volunteer. For full details of the type of submitter for each individual question, please see the spreadsheet of data held on the JLA website.
PSP information
PSP unique ID 0074
PSP name Adult Social Work
Total number of uncertainties identified by this PSP. 61 (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 20 July 2018