
  • Published: 13 March 2020
  • 1 min read

Starting to develop self-help for social anxiety associated with vitiligo: using clinical significance to measure the potential effectiveness of enhanced psychological self-help

Addressing priority 2: Research complete. This article describes a randomised controlled trial to inform the initial development of a psychosocial self-help intervention designed to reduce social anxiety associated with vitiligo.

Identifying key components for a psychological intervention for people with vitiligo – a quantitative and qualitative study in the United Kingdom using web‐based questionnaires of people with vitiligo and healthcare professionals

Addressing priority 2: Research complete. Psychological interventions are recommended as part of routine management of vitiligo. However, the development and effectiveness of such interventions have been rarely addressed. This study aimed to identify key components for a psychological intervention for people with vitiligo.

UVB light combined with topical corticosteroid for treatment of vitiligo

Addressing priority 4: NIHR Research published.Read more information about this study. Vitiligo can have a devastating effect on the quality of life of those who have it, particularly where it is easily seen by others, for example on the face or hands. Over 440 people with vitiligo were involved in this study which looks at combinations of light therapy delivered at home, with steroid ointment. See a short animated video about the results.