Eating Disorders (Netherlands)

  • Published: 13 March 2020
  • 1 min read

A Randomised Controlled Multi-Centre Open-Label Parallel Group Non-Inferiority Trial of the Clinical Effectiveness, Acceptability and Cost-Effectiveness of a 'Stepping into Day Treatment' Approach versus Inpatient Treatment as Usual for Anorexia Nervosa in Adult Specialist Eating Disorder Services

Addressing priority 5: NIHR research in progress

About 20-30% of patients with anorexia nervosa need intensive treatment (day patient or inpatient treatment or both) to help them improve or recover. We do not know whether either of these two intensive treatment approaches has advantages/disadvantages for patients, families, the NHS and wider society. Ulrike Schmidt is leading a team which will compare the following approaches: (a) specialist inpatient treatment as usual and (b) specialist day patient treatment (either immediately or, if needed, after brief inpatient treatment to medically stabilise the patient), which we call 'stepped care'. The team will assess how effective and acceptable these two approaches are and whether they provide value for money.